Tawnyhill Boarding Kennels

With over 30 years experience working with dogs, we have been boarding since 2007 and are licensed with Swale Borough Council Licence Number 24/501248 under The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018.

Tawnyhill Boarding Kennels - Swale Borough Council 5 Star Boarding Kennel

We have large and medium size kennels, to suit single dogs or families.

Tawnyhill Boarding Kennels - Kennel blocks


The kennel blocks and surrounding cherry orchards are a welcoming environment for both small and larger dogs alike.

Tawnyhill Boarding Kennels - Dogs playing

Health & Wellbeing

All dogs must be accompanied by a current vaccination certificate along with regular flea and worm treatent records.

Tawnyhill Boarding Kennels - Tawnyhill stud dogs

Find Us

Located close to junction 6 of the M2, we're near to the market towns of Sittingbourne and Faversham in beautiful Kent countryside.